I have to whisper this shit.
Did you know that ultrasound technicians, as a last resort in getting a decent image, utilize a WAND of sorts? Let's not mince words here- it's a giant dildo that looks at your womb. We had our first ultrasound on 7/12/11 and after having me roll from side to side to get the baby in a decent position to measure his/her spine proportions, the elderly lady broke out the big guns. It wasn't horrible, just ODD, especially with Nate sitting right next to me, smiling grimly at the ultrasound screen, but eventually she just gave up and scheduled for us to come in a week later.
When we came in a week later, the first words out of my mouth to the tech were "Do I have to take off my underwear?" only instead of coming out worried sounding, I sounded excited about it, like I'd been thinking about that ultrasound tool all week in sexed up anticipation. Goddamn my inability to voice modulate when I'm nervous.
Anyway, the baby is doing well, at the second ultrasound it was SO MUCH BIGGER than the week before. It was kind of mind blowing. It moves, and swims, and holds its hands to its tiny face. It rolls over onto its side or stretches its arms so far that it presses against the placenta wall. Here is a picture from the first ultrasound. This is our son or daughter!

In the meantime, at home, we've been frantically nesting. I'm offically in the second trimester, so I'm feeling a bit better energy-wise, and my appetite is back. Nate painted the baby's room a lovely blue, and I've been attempting to get keep the pet fur under control AND get my gardens weeded before the summer is over.
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