I never did write a post 2 months ago when we found out what kind of baby we are having. It's a GIRL! Did I mention that I KNEW it was going to be a girl all along? I had no doubts, to the point where I couldn't even seriously think about boys' names. Intuition is weird. I also have the intuitive feeling that this kid is going to be awesome, but that could just be my motherly bias speaking.
We have been trying to get the house in order, and get the baby's room under control before she comes in January, but this is an act in futility with 2 dogs and 2 cats in a 1200 square foot, ancient house. The dander! My God. It is revolting. I keep reminding myself that I'll be off work when we bring her home and will have the time to sweep then as well, or at least I hope I will. How much time can a newborn take out of your life? I mean, they are pretty self-sufficient, right?
We had a baby shower in early October (and I am so sorry if I know you in real life and you weren't invited- I had about a 2 hour window to obtain addresses for people for my sisters to invite, and I realized after the fact how many people I didn't have addresses for that I wanted to invite, it was chaos). It rained through the whole shower, and we were sequestered in my barn, but a lot of the kids went outside and played in the mud puddles. That was pretty hilarious.
Anyway, today we are off to hand out candy to trick or treaters at my parents' house. New England had a nor'easter on Halloween weekend and everyone's trick or treat was postponed. Stupid global warming, ruins everything.
Oh, and did I mention that I found the best hair product EVER? I have horrendously frizzy hair, and this has made it smooth and swishy. I highly recommend.
Look at these two idiots:
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