It is cold in my office. Real cold. I refuse to turn on the space heater, though, because it decreases the odds of me not hearing someone walk past my office. I like to toggle screens to give the illusion that I am always working. We've had too many layoffs in the past year to risk anything else. Now that I have a mortgage, staying employed seems to be THE MOST IMPORTANT THING.
Last night I came home with a giant bag of curry ingredients. I found what looked to be a delicious curry recipe on the Pioneer Woman website, and was all excited to make my flu-ridden boyfriend a spicy, sinus clearing hot meal. However, when I walked into the house I realized that my kitchen was taken over by the transient sausage vendor we have living there- and I wish I was joking. He was cooking a turkey and was racing around the kitchen making gravy and shit. Now, that does sound delicious, I'll admit it, but when you have a dinner all planned out for yourself, it's extremely irritating to find your squatter preparing a sumptuous feast in your kitchen. Especially when your kitchen is a 24 square foot area. Inward babyfits ensued, but I made a quick recovery by devouring a bowl of maple walnut ice cream. It's been a month of him living there, and we have one week to go before he moves on to the next friend's house. I can't even tell you the amount of stress eating I've done in the past month.
However, there is one good thing that came out of this month- we decided that when we get our first time homebuyers tax credit back we are going to take a trip to Paris. Neither of us have ever been anywhere outside of the country (Canada doesn't count), so this is extremely exciting. We are trying to pick up a little french here and there so we don't sound like complete a-holes to the locals. I want to check out Montmarche and the church that's on top of it, as well as all of the other touristy places.
Also, another good thing did come out of this month- Nate created an alter-ego that we have yet to name but I think I want to call "Precious", it's a gentle-minded male prostitute who talks like Huckleberry Hound and calls everybody "Please, Handsome" in a servile tone. It's the best thing ever, and I wish I had a recording of it to share here.
Shit. I better get back to work.
Orto Parisi Risvelium ~ new fragrance
20 hours ago
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